I Need A Break Mother Fucker

I Need A Break Mother Fucker

<br /> My master promised me a nice soft tickling session... He knows how much it turns me on to be tied down and lightly tickled on my upper body... Especially my armpits and breasts.. But once he got started, he just couldn't help himself... He knows all of my worst ticklish spots!!... I'm really most ticklish on my waist and tummy... Especially when he uses his mouth... His tickling / kisses in that area drives me absolutely crazy!!... Then he went for my inner thighs!!... He lingered there until I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe for a long time and I begged him for a break... That's when I lost it and started cursing at him... Motherfucker!! (He's not really... I actually kind of enjoyed it)... And I hope you do too!! <br /> Quote:
